Correcting the Path: A Character Study

Before we dive into those stories, I want to write a short blog shining light on the amazing life of a lesser-known biblical character: King Josiah. 

Correcting the Path: A Character Study
Photo by Chris Lawton / Unsplash

Every now and then, an awesome coincidence (more like the sovereignty of God) arises when my daily Bible reading overlaps with our church sermon series. I am going through a chronological, one-year Bible plan, and this past week, as I wrapped up 2 Chronicles, I read about the final days of Israel and Judah before the Babylonian exile took place that led to the events in the Book of Daniel. This Sunday, we will be kicking off a new sermon series studying the life of Daniel in the midst of the Babylonian Exile, but before we dive into those stories, I want to write a short blog shining light on the amazing life of a lesser-known biblical character: King Josiah. 

King Josiah: A Beacon of Reform and Righteousness

King Josiah, one of the last kings of Judah, is a fascinating figure in the biblical historical narrative. His reign, which lasted from approximately 640 to 609 BCE, is often highlighted for its significant religious reforms and his commitment to worshiping Yahweh, the God of the Bible. Let’s take a closer look at his life, accomplishments, legacy and what it means for us 2,600 years later.

Early Life and Ascension to the Throne

Josiah became king at a remarkably young age—just eight years old—after the assassination of his father, King Amon. Think about that for a second, eight years old! My oldest daughter is eight years old and she is absolutely amazing! Straight-A student, thoughtful and caring, acts like a little mommy for her three younger siblings, all-in-all she is an incredible little girl. But, I cannot imagine for a minute of her ruling a kingdom, I still have to tell her multiple times to clean her room! Josiah was bred a little different and he had the obstacle of growing up in a time of spiritual decline and idolatry. Despite that, Josiah was fortunate to be guided by the influences around him, particularly his mother, Jedidah, and possibly the remnants of the faithful in Judah who longed for a return to the worship of the true God. Despite being preceded by wicked and terrible kings and in a world filled with immorality, but expecting the blessing of God, Josiah was determined to find a different way.

A Turning Point: The Discovery of the Book of the Law

The most pivotal moment in Josiah’s reign occurred during the renovation of the Temple in Jerusalem. In 622 BCE, while workers were cleaning and repairing the temple, they discovered a forgotten scroll, believed to be a form of the Book of Deuteronomy. How crazy is it that the nation of Judah essentially lost their Bible? They became so wicked for generations that no one was reading the book that formed their nation. This discovery was transformative for Josiah, who was still only 21 years old at this time. Upon hearing the words of the Law, he was deeply moved, recognizing the extent of the nation’s departure from God’s commandments and knew something needed to change in the life of his nation.

Religious Reforms

Motivated by his newfound understanding, Josiah initiated sweeping religious reforms aimed at restoring true worship in Judah. He began by removing idols and pagan practices from the temple and the surrounding areas. He also reinstated the observance of the Passover, which had been neglected for many years. His efforts not only sought to purify the worship of Yahweh but also aimed to reunite the nation under a covenantal relationship with God.

I encourage you to go read more deeply about Josiah's reforms which are detailed in 2 Kings 22-23 and 2 Chronicles 34-35, where we see a king who took radical steps to lead his people back to righteousness. His passion for God’s Law was so clear as he gathered the people of Judah and publicly read the scriptures, encouraging them to renew their commitment to God. Josiah was not content to simply complain about his world and resign himself to letting it get worse, he would do everything he could to help stem the tide!

The Legacy of Josiah

Josiah’s reign, eventually cut short by his untimely death in battle against Pharaoh Neco of Egypt, left a profound legacy. His passionate pursuit of righteousness and justice is often seen as a high point in Judah’s history. The biblical narrative remembers him as one of the few kings who “did what was right in the eyes of the Lord” (2 Kings 22:2).

His efforts to reform worship practices had a lasting impact on the people of Judah, inspiring future generations to seek a return to faithful worship. Even after his death, the influence of his reforms echoed throughout the remaining years of the kingdom, illustrating the profound effect a dedicated leader can have. Sadly his sons went back to the legacy of their grandfather and the others before them ignoring what their father Josiah had done. This ultimately led to God’s judgment in the Babylonian impact, but as we begin the journey in the book of Daniel, I wonder how much those young men were impacted by the legacy of Josiah. How much he shaped a generation that seemed helplessly headed in the wrong direction, how much he inspired a parent who inspired their family, and how much he helped spur a remnant by turning back to the path of God.

King Josiah stands out as a remarkable example of faith and reform. His story is a reminder of the importance of spiritual integrity and the potential for change when one seeks to align with God’s sovereign plan. In an age and culture marked by confusion and moral decline (not too different than our own), Josiah’s legacy invites us to reflect on our own lives and the ways we can pursue God’s kingdom and not a worldly one. His commitment to reform serves as an enduring call to action for believers today that we don’t have to reserve ourselves to defeat, we don’t have to give up in the face of resistance, but that we just need to dive into God’s Word and be faithfully obedient to His calling for our lives.