A Call to Phoenix
As a former Police Officer, I am used to responding to calls...but in the last few years, God has given me a different type of call to respond to, the latest taking me to a new church in my city
As a former Police Officer, I am used to responding to calls...but in the last few years, God has given me a different type of call to respond to, the latest taking me to a new church in my city. In this blog, I want to give you a snapshot of my story, my calling, and my burden to Make Jesus Known in Phoenix.
I grew up in a Christian home. I was raised in the church and involved in the AWANA program. God used AWANA and the loving ministry of my mother to bring me to faith in Christ. I was saved and baptized in May 1997 at 11 years old (interesting fact, my wife and I were baptized on the same day)! We had no idea what God had planned.
I continued as a student in our church’s youth ministry, where I met Chad and Elisa Kritenbrink. While you already know this, I can bear witness to the fact that Chad (our Executive Pastor at Cross Church) and Elisa love serving the Lord and have done so faithfully for a long time. I remember meeting at their house and going through the book of Romans together with our college group...which at times was only me! They welcomed me into their home and faithfully taught the Scriptures, even when it was to one person.
Pastor Chad officiated our wedding, and Rebecca and I married in December 2008. Now, we have three wonderful children, Claire (11), Audrey (8), and Elijah (4). I married into a Phoenix Police family. My father-in-law (now retired) and brother-in-law are both Phoenix PD, and my desire to join them in that profession grew. I pursued a police career and was hired by Peoria PD in 2011. While it is an honorable profession, it was an idol for me. I was an officer for 10 years; for the last five, I was an FTO (Field Training Officer), and for two years, I was on SWAT. It became my identity and a source of selfish pride. There’s nothing wrong with pursuing professional goals until they consume you, replace God in your life, and distance you from your family.
My police career can be broken up into two 5-year segments: In the first five years, it was an idol, in the last five, it was in its rightful place. God humbled me, broke me, and helped me get my priorities straight. God smashed my pride and selfishness. He brought me back to Himself, and for that, I am eternally grateful.
As time went on, God placed in my heart an aspiration to pastoral ministry. I have always loved helping people I met on calls for service. Whether it was a suspect I arrested or a victim I was consoling, I wanted to help them. However, when calls are stacking up, you only have so much time, and soon, you’re on to the next one. Domestic violence was one of my main call types. If you want to understand depravity and the extent of the effects of our sin nature, go be a police officer; you’ll see. Arresting people only solves temporary problems, the real issue is spiritual (Ephesians 6:12). People are not the enemy; the enemy is the enemy. Spiritual darkness and forces of evil are the enemy. God placed a burden in my life to continue helping people, only spiritually.
Fast forward to April 2022, I met Pastor Gary Derbyshire at Grace Baptist Church of Glendale. He offered me a part-time paid pastoral internship. The only issue was I wouldn’t make enough to be able to leave the department. However, the church was also looking to hire a custodian. Long story short, the two jobs were combined into one. I spent mornings doing sermon preparation, counseling, and anything else pastoral I could, and afternoons vacuuming and cleaning toilets. Praise God!
The internship led to a full-time pastoral position where I continued to serve the Lord and His church at GBC. I also went back to seminary, enrolling at Southeastern, where I am completing my MDiv in Christian Ministry (almost done)! Then, a phone call came from an old friend. A familiar voice was on the line, Pastor Chad, and we reconnected right away. God intersected our paths once more, and now, here I am.
I am truly humbled and honored to be called as the next Campus Pastor at Cross Church Phoenix. This is a call I take very seriously. God holds His shepherds to a high standard. I am reminded of what Peter wrote in his letter, “Shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you; not for shameful gain, but eagerly; not domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock” (1 Peter 5:2-3). Cross Church is blessed to already have faithful shepherds, and I look forward to what God has in store for us at the Phoenix Campus.
Romans 15:7 says, “Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.” Thank you, Cross Church Phoenix, for bringing this passage to life over the last few weeks. You welcomed my family and me into the church just as Christ has welcomed you into His church. Your love and kindness bring glory to God. Thank you.
One of my favorite passages is 2 Timothy 4:1-2, “I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by His appearing and His kingdom: Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.” May our Cross Church campuses continue to be faithful to the word of God, no matter the season, to the praise of His glory!